Friday, February 22, 2008

Really Good Night!

Mom called at 8 this morning and she sounded great! Her voice was almost unintelligible yesterday on the phone and today it was so strong I thought it was Sarah calling. She had a great night sleep. New antibiotics are taking care of the intestinal bug.

The oncologist was by last night when Sarah was there. According to Sarah, this is a 6-9 month rigorous schedule of chemo that cycles every 21 days and starts with 5 days of inpatient IV (the retuxin antibody, chemo drugs, immune boosters) then steroids at home with office visits every 10 days. She'll have to be vigilant about avoiding infection and need day to day care so she can save energy for fighting the cancer. Fortunately, she is living in a place that is well set-up for that. We'll just have to make arrangements based on how she ends up feeling.

Daughter Jan

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