Monday, February 25, 2008

Do you want to learn about AIL?

I like to learn as much as I can about medical situations, as I find it helps me understand what my loved one is experiencing, plus it gives me information to ask questions of the doctors. I do this a lot with my daughter, Lily, and her battle with epilepsy.

I found a fantastic discussion of Stage 3-4 Aggressive Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, that talks about the different chemotherapies (CHOP, what was originally prescribed to Granno, as well as the EPOCH protocol, which is what she is getting), how Retuxan improves overall odds, and a somewhat advanced description of how these drugs work (interesting for geeks like me).

If you like this sort of thing, here is the link: Oncology Resource for Stage 3-4 Aggressive NHL.

Katie (Anno's Granddaughter)

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