Monday, March 31, 2008

Dinner with Granno

Hi all!

Granno had her blood draw today and her counts are great! Her WBC was 2400 and her RBC was 31. Yeah Granno!

Sarah and Granno did a number of errands tonight and one was to stop at our house and then Granno walked next door to see her great-grandchildren Lily and Hank. They greeted her and smiled and Hank said Hi Granno and Goodbye Granno when she left. He was a little shy but enjoyed his visit with her. Lily was having her Keto diet dinner and was more interested in that than visiting with Granno but did have a good smile for her.

Granno looks absolutely fabulous. I'd not seen her with her new hair-do and I must say she is so cute!

We went for a great Thai dinner close to our house and she ate a good helping of Swimming Ramma and a bowl of Thom Ka soup along with some Calamari. We had a nice chat with her and Sarah and then she was ready to go.

I am so very grateful for every single moment of her feeling good. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.


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