Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jeff's Report Wed March 19

Last night, Stephanie, Jan and I cleaned up mom's condo in preparation for a visit from her Delta Gamma bridge group. Trudy and I greeted the ladies there this morning and they got a chance to ooh and ahh over mom's place. All agreed the place "screams Anno." They were very anxious to hear how mom's doing and heaped love and good wishes on us to take to the hospital. They are very prayerful and optimistic about her return.

Trudy and I then visited mom. She is doing fantastic today and is ready to begin chemo -- possibly tomorrow if the test for the last infection comes back negative. She had just finished her "elastaband workout" when we arrived and was looking forward to doing it twice daily. Uncle Neil was also at the hospital which always lifts her spirits. We left so she and Neil could take a walk around the twelfth floor. She was looking forward to Jan's pea soup for dinner tonight. Hopefully Dr. Fer will come by when Jan's there.


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